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Photo Page
Hi there and welcome to my very first appearance on the Internet. This has been a lot of fun for me so far and I am really looking forward to getting to know all you better over time. I have already received some very nice e-mail and I love getting it from you - the more the better. Let me know what you think and what you would like to see here in the photo pages. I will keep the latest three updates on the page to give you time to collect the ones that you like. I hope to update at least twice a month with some special updates thrown in for good measure.

I am really looking forward to hearing from all of you so please write.

Photo Updates
Photo Issue 36


Photo Issue 35


Photo Issue 34


Click on the photos above to go to the Photo Issues.
More coming very soon. Write and let me know what you think!!!
Previous Photo Updates
The sets below are now found in my members area, along with the continuation
of the issues above.  If you would like to see all of my "GOOD" pics, just click
here for instant access to my Members Area.
Photo Issue 33 Photo Issue 32 Photo Issue 31
Photo Issue 30 Photo Issue 29 Photo Issue 28 Photo Issue 27 Photo Issue 26
Photo Issue 25 Photo Issue 24 Photo Issue 23 Photo Issue 22 Photo Issue 21
Photo Issue 20 Photo Issue 19 Photo Issue 18 Photo Issue 17 Photo Issue 16
Photo Issue 15 Photo Issue 14 Photo Issue 13 Photo Issue 12 Photo Issue 11
Photo Issue 10 Photo Issue 9 Photo Issue 8 Photo Issue 7 Photo Issue 6
Photo Issue 5 Photo Issue 4 Photo Issue 3 Photo Issue 2 Photo Issue 1